e‑z Calendar Budget

e-z Calendar Budget Standard US edition

for Excel for Microsoft 365

e-z Calendar Budget Standard US edition for Excel for Microsoft 365, calendar setup screenshot
Calendar Setup
e-z Calendar Budget Standard US edition for Excel for Microsoft 365, balance and expenses screenshot
Balance and Expenses

Free demo

(as seen on YouTube)

e-z Calendar Budget Standard International edition for Excel for Microsoft 365, sample week 1 screenshot
Sample Week 1

product details

  • Daily, weekly and monthly expense tracking
  • 52-week, US dollar accounting format
  • 18 daily customizable expenses
  • 12-month budget projection
  • Compatible with Excel 2013 or newer
  • 1 MB .xlsx file


By selecting ‘Buy Now’, you agree to terms and conditions.

e-z Calendar Budget Standard International edition

for Excel for Microsoft 365

e-z Calendar Budget Standard International edition for Excel for Microsoft 365, calendar setup screenshot
Calendar Setup
e-z Calendar Budget Standard International edition for Excel for Microsoft 365, balance and expenses screenshot
Balance and Expenses

(as seen on YouTube)

e-z Calendar Budget™ Standard International edition for Excel for Microsoft 365, sample week 1, screenshot
Sample Week 1

product details

  • Daily, weekly and monthly expense tracking
  • 52-week, no-symbol accounting format
  • 18 daily customizable expenses
  • 12-month budget projection
  • Compatible with Excel 2013 or newer
  • 1 MB .xlsx file


By selecting ‘Buy Now’, you agree to terms and conditions.

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